
Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy birthday twins!

penat membebel kan kat bwh tu?

tibalah ms utk 
mengwish besday utk si kembar fana n fani
slmt hari lahir
terima kasih sbb sentiase ade utk berd
x kire susah atau senang

knal fana n fani ms high school dl
tp ms skolah dl x penah ckp pon ngn diorang
teruk kan sy?
msuk jad, sy jd rapat ngn diorang
suke sgt kwn ngn mereka2 ini

semoga sentiase bahagia ye
semoga sentiase mendapat yg terbaik dlm hidup
semoga berjaya abeskan degree yg perih ini
semoga dpt keje yg best2 nant :)
jgn lupe berd deh :D

luv u both <3<3<3

mari kite bercerita!

AMARAN : cerita kali ini adelah kisah benar..sile sediakan kotak tisu berhampiran anda :(

kali ini sy ingin bercerita ttg research sy
research sy xde pape yg menarik
dah la bilik kenkyu sy sempit
mmg sy xde tmpt duduk sndiri dlm lab
x mcm org lain
seyesly, klu sy ade keje nk kene siapkan, sy akn bwk laptop sndiri pegi lab
sbb sy xde com sndiri kat lab
klu pegi lab utk wat jikken je
xde sbb lain sy pegi lab melainkan utk jikken sahaja
okey yg tu sy x kesah sgt pon
at least sy mmg g lab utk wat keje bkn buang ms saje2

tp sy sgt x puas ati ngn senpai sy
sy namekan die senpai A
sy bknlah manusia yg x reti bersyukur
tp sy jugak manusia yg punye hati dan perasaan
sy selalu dimarah oleh senpai
x kene sikit kene marah
tnye sikit kene marah
sy wat keje mmg kene tnye yg garang tu je
klu ikt prosedur lab sy, ape2 yg sy x paham sy kene tnye senpai A
sbb die yg tantou sy

nk dijadikan cerita
hr ahad hr tu sy emel die
sy tnye die care nk potong silikon
sbb silikon kali ini sy x pakai silikon biase
tp sy pakai stressed silicon yg berharga 700000yen sekeping
sile convert sndiri brape hargenye
mls?yela2 sy convertkan
mahal kan?sgt2 mahal
so experiment sy kali ni mmg kene hati2
so sy tnye la senpai A tu mcm mane nk potong kan
die x reply emel sy
sy pegi lab hr isnin, tp sy xdpt nk gune machine yg sy dh book nk gune
(lab sy kene book dl machine br leh pakai)
tp sbb senpai tu x reply emel sy, sy telah membazirkan penggunaan machine hr tu
okey, machine yg kne book ni name die Raman machine

nk potong silicon pakai machine lain
yg ni x yah book
hr isnin tu smpai tgh hr sy tggu die still x reply emel sy
n die x dtg lab hr tu
so, sy tnye la senpai B mcm mane nk potong
senpai B ajar sy mcm mane nk potong
klu ikt prosedur, sy xleh tnye senpai B tp sy terpakse
n nk potong ni amik ms 5 jam
nasib baik bkn sy yg ptong, tp machine yg ptong 

machine utk potong silicon

esknye, hr slase tu sy mmg dtg lab utk wat step experiment strusnye lpas potong
iaitu step cr effectiveness silicon itu utk dipasang kat transistor
kali ni step ni pakai Raman machine
tup2 senpai A sy dtg lab hr tu
die dtg2 die x puas ati cr sy potong tu
ms tu rs mcm ya Allah, dlm hati je tau nk mrh sgt kat senpai tu
apesal la die x reply emel sy kan
pas2 die x puas ati lak kan
ok, fine sy ikt arahan die
so sy pegi la potong lg ikt kemahuan die tu
n mmg mkn ms
so, sy xleh nk g next step

ptg tu sy wat jikken smpai ptg
maghrib msuk kul 4.30, sy puase hr tu tp sy xleh nk kuar beli pape utk bkak puase
smyg mmg terpakse jamak
kul 6 lebih sy abes jikken pertama sy
tu pon senpai A still x puas ati
ok, jikken sy mmg FAIL hr tu
rsnye sbb kimochi dah warui pg tu
mmg wat jikken x iklas hr tu

hr ni pegi lab lg
sbb sy kene nipiskan silikon
ok, jepun sgt berteknologi tinggi
tp xkan la xde teknologi utk menipiskan silikon ni
sy ade 4 keping nk kene nipiskan
tp tau x satu keping amik ms brape lame?
tu bkn pakai machine, tp sy nipiskan pakai tgn
kejang tgn sy gosok silikon ats kertas pasir
smpai terkoyak sarung tgn
hr ni sy abeskan 3pasang sarung tgn sbb sarung tgn terkoyak ms gosok silikon tu
tgn sy dah berotot kot xyah g gym!
sy rs sy kene buli ngn senpai sy
sy pelik kot xkan xde alat nk nipiskan silikon tu
sy x percaya org jepun sanggup abeskan ms utk wat bnde mcm tu smpai berjam2 
sy x kesah klu amik ms lame pon tp sy kesah sbb pakai tgn
abes menggelupas tgn n itam2
abes je sekeping sy trus blk
lantak la 3 keping lg tu
ms sy nk blk tu sy tgk senpai A syok je tgh tdo kat meja
(meja ade utk student master je)
seyes sakit ati sgt tgk senpai tu

ini kertas pasir ke3 yg sy pakai dan sarung tgn ke3..keadaan slpas siap keje..

silikon belah kiri tu tebal asal, n belah kanan slpas sy nipiskan..nmpak senang kan? tp seyes
lenguh+kejang tgn buat bnde ni..4jam tanpe henti menggosok dgn penuh tenaga.. :(

kene nipiskan sbb nk msukkan kat celah bnde ni..nmpak x celah tu?

tgn kanan...kuku itam gile!!!n sgt hodoh :(

ni kuku tgn kiri :( basuh pon still x ilang

xde la besar sgt pon masalah ni
sy x berani nk merajuk ngn senpai, nk mengadu kat sensei
sbb sensei sy x penah msuk lab tgk keje sy
sume keje sy dipantau senpai A tu
pape mmg sy kene report kat senpai A itu
klu sy merajuk, sy yg cr nahas sbb nant keje sy x siap
ade senpai sy kesah klu sy merajuk?
x ssah sikit pon kat die
yg makin susahnye sy

sbnrnye sy x suke nk cite msalah research sy kat blog ni
mcm la org lain xde masalah ngn lab kan?
tp sy x tahan dah
kenkyushitsu ni tanoshi koto ha zenzen nai desu!
pegi lab mmg utk wat keje
mulut sy x bkak lgsg sbb xde sape yg sy nk bercakap
ade senpai A je ngn sy
abes keje trus blk

Ya Allah tabahkan hatiku
sikit je lg nk grad
sikit je lg nk berhadapan dgn senpai A itu
sikit lg sikit lg
Allah uji kite dgn sesuatu yg plg kite lemah
Allah uji sy dgn senpai yg garang
sbb Allah nk sy paham perasaan klu kene marah
so nant kalau sy keje, or situasi pape pon
sy xleh marah2 org suke2 ati
sbb perasaan dimarah ni sgtlah x disuka oleh sape2 pon
pcaye lah, dlm dunia ni sape yg suke kene marah?
setiap yg berlaku, Allah sudah catatkan ape yg terbaik utk kite
maybe sy x suke bnde ni, tp ini yg terbaik utk sy

kazoku mitai na kenkyushitsu doushi ga hoshiii :(
kedo, kedo, dekinasasou desune

jinsei ha yama ari, tani ari
dakara, ganbare hidayah!!
jibun no shourai ha, jibun de kaku..
dakara, akiramenaidene!!!!!!!

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape … but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape… 
A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything … but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear…
A strong woman won’t let anyone get the best of her … but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone…
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future… a woman of strength realizes life’s mistakes can also be God’s blessings and capitalizes on them…
A strong woman walks sure footedly … but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls…
A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face … but a woman of strength wears grace…
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey … but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong…
a strong woman is one who gets her heart broken time and time again and still has the strength to gather the pieces to create a new life for herself. Remember that no matter what pain you’ve been through, tears will dry, broken hearts will heal, and somewhere out there the person who truly cares is waiting. you’re a woman and you are strong.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

oh oh oh sempat lagi

oh oh oh
sudah pkul 3.33pg
sempat lg update blog
hr tu sy private blog sy
pas2 rase sabishi je sbb tlis2 xde org bace(mcm la slame ni ade org bace)
so, sy unprivate blk
rsnye nant akn ade time sy private blk
ngade btol..hahaha..

i want to share sumthing
kdg2 time kite bz kan, kite x sdar kdg2 kite lukakan hati org
sy nk ckp psl sy la
kdg2 time sy bz gile, mmg sy x endah kat org
gomenne kwn2@my family
mulai skrg sy akn susun ms sy dgn baik
sy akn reply mesej on time (insyaAllah)
sy akn call sokmo2
sy jarang call kakak2,abg sy, n jgak org yg sy syg :(

sbb tu kan, dlm hidup kite, kite kene byk2 fikir positif, bersangka baik
same ade tyme kite bz, kite kene igt gak tyme kwn kite bz mcm mane, sbb tu kdg2 die x contact, kite kene paham la kan?xde buruk2 sangka, itu yg terbaik :)
yup, Allah bg masa kat tiap org 24hours a day, 7days a week, tp kite kene bear in mind, ms tiap org tu, kite xleh main pk@buruk sangka@pk negatif :)

You could love me or notBut either way I’ve got toWake up to face another day tomorrow morningYou could love me or notBut either way I’ve got the sunrise looking in my eyes- Dub_fx

It make me sad the fact that you are almost everything I have ever wanted and always make me smile, but you’re also someone I feel I will never be able to have.

owh hr kamis hr tu, my nephew, adib zhafran msuk wad
sbb demam panas..panas sgt smpai kene sawan :(
cian adib :'(
semoga my love adib zhafran cepat sembuh 

adib zhafran cepat sembuh ye syg :'(

skrg dh makin sejuk, tp skrg sy kureng mkn
sbb bz kot, x sempat msak..
ayam berketul2 dlm peti ais, x terusik..kalau hidup ayam tu konpem bertelur dah..merepek btol hidayah ni -_-"
harap2 dpt kuruskan bdn sbb sy suruh ma wat kebaya kat sy saiz pinggang ms jad motivasi utk kuruskan bdn..haha..kebaya tu utk grad nant :)

Far too often we depend on others to make us happy, when really all we have to do is look in the mirror and realize happiness starts within ourselves.
She’s the girl that believes that what comes around goes around. The one that hopes for a better day. The one that won’t give up on you. She’s the girl that’s unlike the rest. The one that spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. She’s the girl that would love to be loved. The one that looks so damn strong, but feels so weak. She’s the girl that picks herself up every time she falls.  And she‘ll be okay. She really will. She’s tough…and She deserve to be happy.
i'm going to be happy because i deserve to

owh 19hb november ni sy ade test english..
x stdy sgt pon sbb sgt bz :(
xpe, kuantiti x penting, kualiti lg penting, so, amik ms yg ade ni stdy btol2.(ayat sedapkan hati @.@)
yosh2!!!doakan sy ye kwn2 :D

We have to experience the bad times to be able to really appreciate the good ones. Keep the faith, it will get better.
Believe that love is out there. And  believe that dreams come true every day, because they do.  Sometimes happiness doesn’t come from money or fame or power. Sometimes  happiness comes from good friends and family, and from the quiet  nobility of leading a good life.  Believe that dreams come true  every day, because they do. So take a look in that mirror and  remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be.  And always be thankful for the life you have, appreciate every moment, cherish every people around you and be grateful for everything. smile:)
appreciate people around you :)

okay la, nk tido dah..cukup 22minit sy menulis :)

mau selalu happy2, x mau sedih2 :)

nyte kwn2 yg disayangi..
jom bc doa tido,
sblum tu, maafkan kesalahan org lain kat kite before tido



Tuesday, November 8, 2011

jika kau fikirkan kau boleh

selamat tgh hari nihon!!!!
hr ni pg2 lg bgun..
sbb ade temujanji kat klinik dai
hr ni ade medical check up
sbb research sy pakai radioaktif
tkt je kan bunyi radioaktif..hahaha

hr ni sy tekad
sy ckp kat diri sy jgn pengsan
sbb dl ms zenki penah pengsan lpas amik darah
sbb sy tekad,mmg sy x pengsan pon
see,klu kite pk kite boleh,mesti boleh punye!!!!

ini salotape lpas amik darah..hehehehe..

alhamdulillah,ini satu pencapaian dlm hidup sy..sbb biasenye klu lpas amik darah,klu x pengsan mesti pening la,lenguh badan hr ni genki!!!yokatta ;D

mlm ni umah sy bakal dpt tetamu
tetamu mesti dirai
sbb kedatangan tetamu ke rumah kite membawa seribu rahmat dan keluarnya die dr umah kite membawa keluar kan?

so,hr ni nk kemas2 umah,then nk msk,pas2 nk stdy smbil tggu tetamu dtg..

terima kasih Allah..untuk rahmat smlm,dan jgak hr ini..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 7, 2011

salam aidiladha :)

hr ni dah 7 november 2011
seven eleven hehehe
kalau kat kelantan, raye haji still meriah walaupun hr raye ke2
wahh rindunye raye aji di klantan
rindu nk mkn daging korban
xtau knape daging korban ni lg sedap dr daging biase
sy rs bkn sy sorang je kot pk mcm ni

masih x terlambat sy nk wish slmt hari raye aidiladha
raye kat sini mcm biase la
raye kat embassy kat shibuya
hr ni dh masuk lab
ni br blk lab
x mandi lg semangat nk update blog..hik3

rindunye nk mkn daging goreng ma, singgang daging ma, sup daging ma, 
perut cicah air asam..wuwuwuwuw..sedapnyeeeee

dh2 ckp psl mknan je
jom imbas sejarah
raye korban ni semua org tau kan knape ia disambut?
sempena mengingati pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail
kalau mengikut peristiwa dlm al-Quran, 
rujuk Surah As-Syaaffaat 101 – 111
kalau nk bc lagi psl ni, bc kat sini

okeh dh bace kwn2?
jom tgk gmbr plak..hehe

my family on aidiladha without me :(

bersama kwn2!!!

bj x same xpe, janji hati kami satu..hi3

kakda,bila n hanis (hanis menang ratu raye aji)

sopannye, plih2, semua available kecuali sy..hehe

kappa,mus, nurul n sy ;)

tahun depan, kalau dpt smbung master ke x ke, sy tekad nk blk raye samaada raye puase or raye aji...konpem sy akn blk..hi3..
klu x dpt smbung master, mmg konpem2 sy blk both raye..heeewww~~~


tahun depan insyaAllah kite raye lagi!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

i love you like a long song bebeh

hr ni jepun lupe..
td sy pegi pos ofis sbb nk g byr bil gas tp pos ofis tutup..sejuk plak tu kan kat luar..

jerawat 2 bijik ats dahi..
kejutan cuaca sbb kat osaka x sjuk sgt..

ini adelah air feveret buat ms ni...
hehehe..semoga sy cepat sihat :D

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

tibe2 tp seronok!

29,30,31 n 1hb hr tu 
sy berada di kansai nihon
mcm x pcaye
tp tu hakikatnye

ceritanye bermula.....

29 n 30hb ade la program daurah kat kyoto
sy diajak ke sane
tp problem dgn senior sy
tibe2 hr kamis (27hb) sy dpt pujuk senpai sy
n akhirnye die izinkan sy pegi 
tp sy kene janji keje sy still siap n must be submit on weekend(29 0r 30hb)
meiji dai cuti on 1hb sbb ade gakuensai(event kat uni)
so, sy pon amik cuti trus la 4 hr

alhamdulillah sy sempat submit keje sy hr ahad kul 8mlm
sbb blk dr program trus wat keje 
edit sikit2 trus send :D

mcm2 jadi kat osaka
isnin tu sy g usj sorang2 naik tren
nasib baik alhamdulillah smpai dgn selamat :)
janji dgn si dia, si dia dr umah syahmi di shiga
so, kitorang jmpe kat usj
best sgt2 kat usj
almost game leh main
sbb isnin kot
tp still rs x cukup nk main n lg!

ms nk blk dr usj, kami kuar dr usj kul 9.30mlm
blk berdua la, compare dgn pg td sorang2
tp berdua ni byk sesat lak
sbb kpale otak ade 2 kan
perjalanan yg sepatutnye 40minit
jd sejam setengah
smpai umah dak kinki kul 12.00mlm

slase pegi nara
pegi tgk rusa
pegi tgh hr
tp maybe tyme mkn die kan
mmg kene kejar
n sy siap kene sodok lg dgn rusa2
oh rusa..hahaha

lpas g nara, sempat g namba n mkn2 kat situ
sy blk tepat pkul 8.00mlm naik shinkan
1st time naik..hi3
kul 10.14mlm smpai shinyokohama 
n kul 11.30 smpai ikuta
blk trus tido krohhhhhh

tq for the hospitality
still rs x puas sbb pegi kejap je
mata ikitaii naaa
tggu sy osaka!