
Friday, September 9, 2011

tlg ajarkan anak2 2 perkataan penting!

kenapa sy ckp anak2?
sbb nk terap dr kecik lg
kalau dh besar susah dh nk srh2

ape perkataan tu?

1. tolong(b mlayu), please (english), お願いします (japanese)

2. terima kasih (b mlayu), thank you (english), ありがとう (japanese)

knape 2 perkataan tu?

1. cthnye, satu, klu kite nk mintak tlg sumone buatkan sumthing utk kite, kite kene ckp "mintak tlg blablabla". Kalau la xde mintak tlg tu, jd mcm mengarah pulak kan?yg mendengar pon rs x suke n x mau tlg pon :p

2. terima kasih penting sbgai tanda penghargaan kite kat seseorang lpas tlg kite..biar la pon bnde kecik skalipon, ape salahnye ckp terima kasih..even just bertnye pkul brape などなど pon, org yg ditnye tu pon rs senang hati lpas kite ckp terima kasih..jgn lah sbb kite nk tau sumthing, trus dpt, x ckp pape dah.. *peringatan utk diri sndiri jugak*

bkn susah pon, 2 perkataan tu kalau dibiasekan , leh jd habit kite...kite suke, org sekeliling lg suke..kan?

jom mulai hari ni kite praktikkan "THANK YOU"  dan "PLEASE" :)

You are part of someone else’s life. Others fill their loves with pieces of you. So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else’s life can never be complete without you in it.
You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you’re part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.

jya ne =))

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